The Art Of Gold
The Art of Gold is a series of curated events initiated by Swati & Sunaina Gold to bring attention to various artistic forms of gold. This furthers the interest of its founders to support the research and histories of the intangible heritage of Indian textiles.
ExploreNew Delhi, 2017
Gold : The art of Zari
Art of Gold is a series of lectures, symposia and events initiated by Swati & Sunaina Gold, to generate dialogues on the various artistic forms of gold.
Malavika Singh
Malavika Singh reminiscing about her journey with Gold was an insight into her personal collections and experiences.
vidya shah
The accomplished performance artist evokes textiles in Indian poetry.
simar duggal (with fond remembrance)
The Late supermodel and designer speaks of her love for Indian textiles.
Priya Paul
A leading art collector and enthusiastic wearer of the saree, businesswoman Priya Paul talks about gold as an inspiration for art.
mayank mansingh kaul
Mayank Mansingh Kaul gives us an insight into the versatile use of zari from the sumptuous to subtle, across different regions of India.
olivia Dalrymple
Miniature artist Olivia Dalrymple talks about the use of gold in paintings and the visual arts.
William Dalrymple
Historian William Dalrymple speaks of the importance of gold in India’s history.
Chennai, 2019
Sacred Textiles
In February 2019, Swati & Sunaina Gold presented Sacred Textiles – The Art of Woven Gold, curated by one of India’s leading art consultants – Sharan Apparao. This explored the many spiritual facets of gold in Indian culture such as temples, art and jewellery.
Mumbai, 2019
Between Land & Sky
An exhibition on Gyaser, curated by the renowned historian Dr. Monisha Ahmed, which provided an overview of its history. The Gyaser is an Indo-Tibetan tradition of silk and metallic brocades.
New Delhi, 2020
Symposium on Gyaser
Historian Prof Dr. Anjan Chakraverty, Dr. Monisha Ahmed and Dr. Ritu Sethi spoke on various historical and contemporary aspects of Gyaser in Delhi.
Virtual Events, 2021
Between Land & Sky
A series of talks in collaboration with Bangalore International Center, Yarn Club, Culture Bagh, Mehrangarh Museum Trust and Eka Resources, initiated by Swati & Sunaina Gold.
Malavika Singh
New Delhi, 2022
Sutr Santati
Swati & Sunaina Gold was proud to showcase ‘The River of Gold’, a dupatta specially created for the ‘Sutr Santati’ exhibition to celebrate 75 years of Indian Independence, at the National Museum, New Delhi.
Chennai, 2022
The launch of the Swati & Sunaina Gold Vanya collection, in Chennai, was accompanied by a classical fusion performance by Parur Ananthkrishnan, Ravi G, Sumesh Narayanan and a special talk by Prof. Madhusudan Kalaichelvan.